Additional Modules (Optional Functions)

Aletheia’s additional modules (optional functions) allow greater project management in areas sometimes overlooked by projects. These modules are supplied at no aadditional cost and the project simply activates or deactivates at any time during the project’s lifetime. 

Optional Modules

Carry Over Work,

CTP (Commissioning Test Procedures),

Equipment Maintenance Data,

Equipment Preservation Register(Tests),


Field Work Reports,

Forecast Run Down Report,

Handover Certificate Reports,

Handover Exceptions,

Hazardous Area Equipment Register,

Help Menu,

Instrument Loop Test Register (Tests),


Load Test (Lifting Equipment),


Management of Change,

Manhours Dashboard Report,

Piping Flange Management Register,

Piping He/N2 Test Register (Tests),

Piping Pressure Test Register,

Preservation Manager,

Pressure Vessel Register (Tests),

Project Information (CMS internal email),

Punch List Materials,

Safety Device Register,


Test Equipment Register,

Vendor Workscope,

Resource Profiles,

Issue Register,

Risk Register.


Aletheia CMS has built in 40 detailed reports and using filters, we provide well over 300 discrete reports.

Assigning man-hours to elements within Aletheia CMS , check sheets, punch lists, CTPs etc, your project has a lot more transparency, for example rundown curves.

Assigning planned duration dates, from the Project Master Schedule, to your Systems and Sub-Systems within Aletheia CMS.
With the Aletheia CMS Optional Modules, Project Completions Management can be in one place and not from various sources, “do it once, do it right, save time and project cost.”
  • Manage project equipment preservation from leaving a factory to hand over to asset operator.
  • Bring transparency to lifting equipment Load Testing.
  • Punch List Materials, yes, it is punch listed but have we ordered the materials?
  • Pipe Testing and Flange Management, let Aletheia CMS help manage and bring transparency.
  • Identify Vendor Scope of Work and Carry Over Work.
  • Handover with Exceptions and manage these Exceptions.
  • Project Information, CMS email, safety moments, safety awards, progress photographs.
  • “Are we on schedule?” Aletheia CMS Rundown Curves will give an accurate and dynamic idea to the project.
  • “Do we have the correct discipline resources?” The Manhours Dashboard Report will instantly give the answer, along with resources profiles.
  • Test Equipment Register, reports calibration status of all test equipment being used on the project.
  • Accurate and real completions progress can only be reported when work is complete and ‘signed off’ by approved project personnel, we then get accurate and up to date completions progress from Aletheia CMS, rather than a ‘guesstimate’.
  • Risk Management and Project Issues, bring visibility using your CMS.
  • Notice of Energisation (NoE) or Living Up Notices (LUN), manage from your CMS.